Wildlife Sanctuary Board discusses fishing docks, River Center redesign
ALPENA — Alpena Wildlife Sanctuary Board members discussed fishing docks, the River Center Without Walls concept, open board seats and many other items at recent meetings at Alpena City Hall.
Kevin Fisher, city parks coordinator/harbormaster, reported on a junior high student project for the three fishing docks at Island Park (across the bridge from Duck Park). New ADA-accessible docks, with benches and railings, are in the plans.
The reimagined River Center Without Walls plans were also presented by Fisher, city liaison to the sanctuary board. Fisher described a preliminary draft of the interactive environmental concept planned for Island Park once the pavilion and bathrooms are constructed this summer at Duck Park. The board discussed the many possibilities for this River Center Without Walls.
Board Chair Lisa Kruse presented wording for a posting for two vacant board positions. Members of the community are encouraged to apply to serve on the sanctuary board which cares for Island Park and the Alpena Wildlife Sanctuary, an area of approximately 450 acres of the Thunder Bay River between the Bagley Street Bridge and the Washington Bridge on Chisholm.
Also discussed were bylaws changes, goals and objectives for 2025, guidelines for appointing advisory members, and future projects with bird houses and protection of turtle nesting areas.