
Alpena students represent school at state capitol

Courtesy Photo Alpena High School students, from left, Colt Gray, Abigail Rabbideau, Lanie Morgan, and Aiden Cardwell, representing the school’s Career and Technical Education program, appear at the Michigan Capitol on Thursday in this photo provided by Alpena Public Schools.

ALPENA — Several Alpena High School students met state leaders and showed off their work at the Michigan Capitol today as part of a showcase of Michigan career and technical education programs.

Like students from 14 other schools from across the state, students from the Alpena school’s CTE program met with legislators and the state superintendent of schools to talk about the certifications earned and skills learned in the program that prepares students for ready entry into the workforce.

Alpena High School students Aiden Cardwell, Lanie Morgan, Abigail Rabbideau, and Colt Gray and teacher Amanda Pilarski shared information about the school’s business management and digital media program with state leaders.

More than 125,000 Michigan students participate in CTE programs, from which 95% of graduates enroll in college, enter the workforce, or begin military service within a year of graduation, said Lee Fitzpatrick, director of communications for Alpena Public Schools.

Courtesy Photo

Alpena High School students, from left, Colt Gray, Abigail Rabbideau, Lanie Morgan, and Aiden Cardwell, representing the school’s Career and Technical Education program, appear at the Michigan Capitol on Thursday in this photo provided by Alpena Public Schools.


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