
Futrell and Max united in marriage

Jordan and McKenzie Max

Jordan Max and McKenzie Futrell exchanged wedding vows in a double-ring ceremony on June 26, 2021.

The wedding was held at The Pine Tree Barn in Flushing, with the groom’s cousin Bryan Kannowski officiating.

McKenzie is the daughter of Matthew and Heidi Myers of Saginaw.

Jordan is the son of Larry and Deb Worth of Alpena and Daniel Max (Tinya Collins) of Laurel, Indiana.

The maid of honor was Paige Futrell, sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Karly Myers, sister, Danielle Kuznicki, sister, Amber Kloess, cousin, and friends Katelyn Williams, Dannyelle Janis, Trisha Whitting, and Miah Cook. The flower girls were niece Brielle Kuznicki, cousin Isabella Kloess, and friend Aubrey Phal.

The best man was Andrew Phal, friend of the groom. Groomsmen were Kamryn Myers, brother, Justin Kuznicki, brother-in-law, and friends Jim Bates, Ryan Clark, Matteo Capicchioni, Dave Garske, and Steve Krentz. The ringbearer was nephew Blake Kuznicki.

The reception was held at The Pine Tree Barn in Flushing. The rehearsal dinner was held at G’s Pizzeria Bar & Grill in Saginaw.

The bride is a graduate of Saginaw Valley State University, earning her degree as a Registered Nurse. She is employed by Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital in the NICU (Newborn Intensive Care Unit).

The groom graduated from Baker College with his master’s degree in Occupational Therapy.

The couple honeymooned in St. Lucia. They reside in Grand Rapids.


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