
Alpena residents still digging out

News Photo by Crystal Nelson Ron Gersewski Sr. uses his tractor to clean up around his house and the fire hydrant near the corner of Second Avenue and June Street on Wednesday.

ALPENA — Meteorologist Tim Locker with the National Weather Service in Gaylord said a heavy snow storm tapered off around 7 a.m. Wednesday morning after dropping 7 inches of snow at Alpena County Regional Airport. During the storm, gusty winds caused blowing and drifting snow, resulting in poor visability and hazardous driving conditions for motorists.

Locker said the region received between 8 to 12 inches of snow, overall. Rogers City received 15.5 inches of snow, which Locker said was the highest accumulation of snow in the National Weather Service of Gaylord’s forecast area.

Residents of Northeast Michigan can expect a brief calm today before more precipitation befalls the area. Another storm is poised to move through the area this afternoon and evening, bringing with it a mix of rain and snow, according to the NWS.

Crystal Nelson can be reached at 989-358-5687 or cnelson@thealpenanews.com.


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