
PI County OKs gun rights resolution

News Photo by Crystal Nelson A large crowd attends a meeting Thursday in Rogers City at which the Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners declared the county a Second Amendment sanctuary in a close vote.

ROGERS CITY — A round of applause broke out after the Presque Isle County Board of Commissioners on Thursday narrowly approved a measure to declare the county a Second Amendment sanctuary.

Commissioners approved the measure 3-2, with Chairman Lee Gapczynski and Commissioners Mike Darga and Nancy Shutes supporting the measure. Vice Chairman Carl Altman and Commissioner John Chappa cast the dissenting votes.

Altman said he wished he had more time to consider the motion. Chappa proposed an alternate resolution, which he believed was more appropriate, but it was not considered by commissioners.

More than 40 people attended the meeting at the county courthouse. When the courtroom seating was exceeded, residents spilled into the hallways.

The Alpena County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday postponed a vote on the same resolution until next month. That meeting, too, was packed with sometimes rowdy residents.

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