
Alpena airport gets $17.9M grant

Courtesy Photo The amount of passengers flying out of Alpena jumped in August. There were 1,531 enplanements last month and puts the Alpena County Regional Airport on track to record 10,000 enplanements which will score it a $1 million subsidy from the federal government.

ALPENA — The Alpena County Regional Airport will receive a $17.9 million grant funding through the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced.

Part of the $2 trillion stimulus package approved by Congress to help offset the economic devastation from the coronavirus, the grant received by the Alpena airport is designed to help airports experiencing severe economic disruption because of the pandemic.

The CARES Act provides $256 million in grant funding that will be distributed among more than 90 airports statewide.

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