
Alpena Burger King to close

News Photo by Steve Schulwitz The marquee outside Burger King in Alpena is seen on Friday, breaking the news that the restaurant will close its doors for good later this month.

ALPENA — The southern corridor of Alpena will lose another business that has been around for decades: Burger King.

A manager at the store today confirmed that staff at the fast-food restaurant was notified Thursday that the franchise would close on June 21.

The news comes only a week after J.C. Penney announced it is closing its store in the Alpena Mall in the coming months.

Peebles was closed late last year.

Northeast Michiganders rushed to get their last flame-grilled burgers today. At around 6:45 p.m., a worker at the restaurant said some 400 cars had been through the drive-thru and another 150 were expected before the restaurant closed, compared to 300 to 350 in a normal day.

News Lifestyles Editor Darby Hinkley contributed to this report.


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