
Alpena school superintendent pay middling for state

News Photo by Crystal Nelson Alpena Public Schools interim Superintendent Susan Wooden reviews plans for school facilities as district officials continue to move forward with renovation projects funded by voter-approved bond sales.

ALPENA — Alpena Public Schools had the highest-paid superintendent in Northeast Michigan and ranked 207th out of 593 school districts in the state, according to newly released data from the Mackinac Center for Public Policy.

The Mackinac Center’s data, based on the most recent information provided by school districts, shows former Alpena superintendent John VanWagoner was paid $205,000 a year, including $141,437 in salary and $31,585 in insurance.

VanWagoner was Alpena superintendent for five years and is now the superintendent of Traverse City Area Public Schools, where he is paid a base salary of $197,500, according to his contract with that district.

The APS Board of Education on Thursday hired David Rabbideau to replace VanWagoner and is in the process of negotiating a salary with its new chief.

Board President Gordon Snow said the board advertised the superintendent’s position with an annual salary of $135,000 to $145,000.

“We will base the contract on suggestions provided by the Michigan Association of School Boards,” Snow said. “We may also consider features of contracts in similar-sized districts in Michigan, if that’s appropriate.”

Carl Seiter, superintendent of both Hillman and Atlanta community schools, is the second-highest-paid superintendent in Northeast Michigan and makes a total of $189,143 in salary, benefits, and other payments a year. Hillman pays Seiter $94,829 a year and Atlanta pays him $94,314 a year.

Rogers City Area Schools Superintendent Nick Hein is paid the least in the region.

The Mackinac Center says Hein is paid a total of $41,717 a year, but his most recent contract puts his annual salary at $96,200.

Michael VanBeek, the Mackinac Center’s director of research, said its data is provided by school districts. If there’s a discrepancy, it’s because the school district has a discrepancy between what’s posted on the district’s website and what is in the superintendent’s contract.

Other school district superintendents’ annual salary, according to the Mackinac Center:

∫ Alcona Community School Superintendent Dan O’Connor: $151,937

∫ Alpena-Montmorency-Alcona Educational Service District Superintendent Scott Reynolds: $147,173

∫ Onaway Area Community Schools Superintendent Rod Fullerton: $144,455

∫ Posen Consolidated Schools Superintendent Michelle Wesner: $143,759

VanBeek said every dollar a school district spends is a taxpayer dollar.

“It’s a taxpayer right to be able to know how their money is being spent, and it provides good, positive pressure on the school district and the school board to make sure the way they’re compensating employees is competitive and responsible,” he said.

The Mackinac Center’s data lists 31 superintendents in Michigan who made more than $300,000 in total annual compensation. The highest-paid superintendents worked in Roseville, Detroit, and West Ottowa.

Overall, 88 districts spent more than $250,000 on superintendent compensation.

Crystal Nelson can be reached at 989-358-5687 or cnelson@thealpenanews.com.


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