
SCHOOL BOARD ROUNDUP: APS approves contracts for work at Ella White

∫ The Alpena Public Schools Board of Education approved nearly $6 million of contracts for work to begin at Ella White Elementary School. The approved contract work included about $1.3 million for the Spence Brothers, $626,050 in roof work from Great Lakes Roofing and Insulation, nearly $240,900 for L and L Contracting for ceiling and drywall work, $2.3 million in mechanical work to Johnson and Wood Mechanical, and $430,000 for John’s Electric to do electrical work.

The board also approved a $616,000 contract to Beyer Roofing Co. for roof work on Besser Elementary School.

The board also accepted a little over $14,050 in gifts during its February board meeting, which included a $12,000 donation from James Apsey, who donated the money from an IRA charitable rollover.

∫ The Onaway Area Community School District Board of Education passed a resolution asking the state health department and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to allow school boards to meet virtually, in-person or a combination of the two. The resolution says that members of the school boards are the only individuals within their school districts who are not permitted to meet in person.

The Rogers City Area Schools Board of Education recently passed a similar resolution.


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