
Zonta Club of Alpena donates to Patient Tower Project

Courtesy Photo Members of Zonta Club of Alpena/Tri-County recently presented a check to Ann Diamond, fund development director, MidMichigan Health Foundation, representing a $5,000 pledge to the future patient tower of MidMichigan Medical Center – Alpena. Pictured are, back row, left to right: Kristen Marsh, Sue Latuszek, JoAnn Kamyszek, Barb Rigg, Cathy Macfalda and Betty DuRocher. Front row, left to right: Ann Diamond, Pam Werth, Julie Rouleau, President of Alpena Tri-County Zonta, and LisaVanHorn. Not pictured are Ann Weir, Peggy Donakowski, Ann Cosbitt and Dr. Lorie Vorraro.


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