
Slight changes to 1st Congressional, bigger changes made to local state districts

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ALPENA — The Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission made only slight changes to the 1st Congressional District covering northern Michigan with its final redrawing of congressional district boundaries on Tuesday, but larger changes were made to the area’s state house and state senate districts in northern Michigan.

New legislative districts get drawn after every decennial census. Previously, that was handled by the state Legislature, but Michigan voters in 2018 created the commission to make the process independent of lawmakers.

The commission approved its first maps Tuesday following the 2020 census.  

According to the new congressional map, the 1st Congressional District loses about half of Mason County and all of Manistee County, but gains a portion of Wexford County and all of Missaukee, Roscommon, Ogemaw, Iosco, and Arenac counties. The district still covers all of the Upper Peninsula and most of the northern Lower Peninsula, including Northeast Michigan.

The new map will be utilized in the 2022 elections, in which current U.S. Rep. Jack Bergman, R-Watersmeet, is expected to seek a fourth two-year term.

The total population in the district, according to the 2020 census, is 775,375, of which about 633,000 were 18 and older and eligible to vote.

The district remains mostly white, as just more than 10% of residents in the district are minorities, including less than 1% who are Black.

The congressional district still leans Republican, by about 57% to 43%, according to the commission.

The 106th District, which elects the state rep for Northeast Michigan, gains a tad more of Cheboygan County, and all of Montmorency County, the district extends as far west as near Allanson in its northern section. The boundary to the south divides Oscoda County.

Iosco County is no longer in the 106th, which means Alpena will be the most populated city in the district.

The 36th Senate district won’t run as far south, and Midland County is now excluded from it. The reshaped district goes as far south as Pinconning and west past Cadillac. The district’s northern boundary ends between Rogers City and Cheboygan.

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