
Ron and Cheryl Lemke named Alpena Outstanding Citizens of the Year

News Photo by Steve Schulwitz Ron and Cheryl Lemke pose for photos after being named the Alpena Outstanding Citizens of the Year for 2021 onThursday at the Alpena Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner. They are involved with about two dozen charitable organizations and always ready to lend a hand to others.

ALPENA — For more than 50 years, Ron and Cheryl Lemke have given of themselves to help improve the quality of life for the people of Alpena and to help people in need.

On Thursday at the Alpena Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner, they were named the Alpena Outstanding Citizens of the Year for 2021.

The list of charitable groups and organizations the couple support is long and whenever help is needed – no matter how big or how small – the Lemkes have risen to the occasion.

Cheryl Lemke said as she was sharing the moment with her family, that she had no idea they were nominated for the award, let alone the winners. She said there were a variety of emotions she was experiencing while on the stage receiving the award from past winner Steve Wright.

“I’m surprised, shocked, and humbled,” she said. “I have always said we are blessed to do what we can do. We have a roof over our head, we have a healthy family, and we’re just really blessed.”

News Photo by Steve Schulwiitz Kathy Himes, left, and Michelle Woodruff act as MCs for the Alpena Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner on Thursday.

Ron said he was taught the importance of helping others when he was a young boy. He said his mother and father stressed to him the importance of helping people from every walk of life.

“She used to tell us to help feed the hungry, clothe the naked and visit the sick and bury the dead, and give alms to the poor,” he said. “I have carried that for more than 50 years in my heart.”

Ron said he and his wife have instilled the same values in their family and he hopes they will be able to make a mark in the communities they live in the same way they have.

The Chamber revived the tradition of awarding the honor after the annual dinner was canceled last year because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Chamber accepts nominations from the public and a special committee sorts through them and selects the winner. The winner is not notified of being selected until the event and it’s kept secret from most people in the area.

News Photo by Steve Schulwitz Steve Wright, the 2014 Alpena Outstanding Citizen of the Year, reads off the long list of contributions Ron and Cheryl Lemke have made to Alpena before announcing that they were the winners of the 2021 award during the Alpena Area Chamber of Commerce's annual dinner on Thursday.

The Lemkes weren’t the only winners who took the stage Thursday. Red Brick Tap and Barrel earned the Business of the Year award, while the Customer Service of the Year went to Alpena Veterinary Clinic.

Alpena Downtown Development Authority Executive Director Anne Gentry won the Culture Change Agent Award, Melissa Timmreck was presented the Connecting the Classroom and Business Award, and Michelle Woodruff was named the Ambassador of the Year.

Brian Peterson won the Up and Coming Award, Wolverine State Credit Union won the MyMichigan Health – Health Leadership Award, and Thunder Bay Tree Service was given the Alpena Community College Michigan Workforce Development Award.

Past Alpena Citizens of the Year

1983- Miles Ludlow

1984- Alpena Booster Club

1985- Vernie Nethercut

1986- Phil Richards

1987- Lanny Kingsbury

1988- Emery Timm

1989- Red (Bruce)


1990- Carl Reitz

1991- Elbert Heath

1992- Marie Deno

1993- R.M. Bob Granum

1994- Art Gillespie

1995- Ann and A.B. Crow

1996- George and Dorothy


1997- Betty Krueger

1998- Lucas Pfeiffenberger

1999- Jim Park

2000- Dave McNeil

2001- John McVeety

2002- Shirley Houston

2003- Dr. Don Newport

2004- Kerwin Kitzman

2005- Russell Townsend

2006- Al and Cathy Moe

2007- Colonel Sam


2008- Karen Bennett

2009- Tim and Sue


2010- Hal Neiman

2011- Carol Shafto

2012- Dave Zeller

2013- Joe Gentry

2014- Steve Wright

2015- Mike and Kim


2016- Bruce Anschuetz

2017- Pastor Jim Erickson

2018- Bronwyn Woolman

2019- Steve Plowman


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