
Avery headed to trial in June if plead not entered

Bradly Avery, who is accused of using a hidden camera to record underage girls during a pageant in Alpena, was in court via a video conference in the 26th Circuit Court on Friday. Judge George Mertz, of Otsego County’s 46th Circuit Court instructed court officials to schedule a trial in June.

ALPENA — A former Alpena County Fair Board member accused of using a hidden camera to record underage girls during a pageant will head to trial in June if he doesn’t enter a plea in the next 30 days.

Bradley Avery is charged with one count of possession of child sexually abusive material, three counts capturing or distributing an image of an unclothed person, and one count of using computers to commit a crime.

He is not accused of improperly touching anyone.

Judge George Mertz, of Otsego County’s 46th Circuit Court, instructed court officials to schedule a three-day trial for Avery. Mertz preferred to hold the trial in mid-June or some other point shortly thereafter, when schedules allow.

Mertz is presiding over Avery’s case because 26th Circuit Court Judge Ed Black prosecuted Avery when Black served as Alpena County prosecutor before assuming the judgeship.

Police arrested Avery in 2020 after a Michigan State Police crime lab found the sexually abusive videos of the minor victims and thousands of pornographic pictures — some allegedly depicting minors — while examining Avery’s electronic devices as part of an embezzlement investigation of Avery.

In July 2019, Avery was sentenced to six months in jail and a year’s probation for embezzling more than $16,000 from the Alpena Agricultural Society while he served as Fair Board treasurer.

Mertz said a final status hearing on the current case will be held in the next 14 to 30 days, which will be the final opportunity for the prosecution and defense to file motions and the last time Avery will be allowed to enter a plea.

Avery faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison if convicted as charged.


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