
Freighter photos wanted

News File Photo The Arthur M. Anderson passes a frozen Rogers City shore in November 2019 in this News file photo. The Anderson was the last ship to have radio contact with the captain of the Edmund Fitzgerald before that ship’s famous sinking in 1975 and was part of the rescue effort for the Fitzgerald’s crew.

ALPENA — Photography and shipping enthusiasts could garner recognition and a cash prize as the Great Lakes Seaway Partnership solicits entries for its annual photo contest.

Photos for the 2022 contest should focus on the people who make Great Lakes shipping possible, including workers aboard ships or on docks.

Photographers may submit entries throughout the shipping season at greatlakesseaway.org/resources/photo-contest-entry-form. That site also features winning photos from previous shipping seasons.

Winners will receive cash prizes and recognition on the Great Lakes Seaway website and via its social media outlets.


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