
UPDATED: Icy roads, serious crash send two to hospital in critical condition

News Photo by Julie Riddle Police and firefighters respond after a pickup left an icy road and crashed into a tree on French Road in Alpena Township on Wednesday.
News Photo by Julie Riddle Police and firefighters respond after a pickup left an icy road and crashed into a tree on French Road in Alpena Township on Wednesday.
News Photo by Julie Riddle Police and firefighters respond after a pickup left an icy road and crashed into a tree on French Road in Alpena Township on Wednesday.
News Photo by Julie Riddle Police and firefighters respond after a pickup left an icy road and crashed into a tree on French Road in Alpena Township on Wednesday.
News Photo by Julie Riddle Police and firefighters respond after a pickup left an icy road and crashed into a tree on French Road in Alpena Township on Wednesday.
News Photo by Julie Riddle Police and firefighters respond after a pickup left an icy road and crashed into a tree on French Road in Alpena Township on Wednesday.
News Photo by Julie Riddle Police and firefighters respond after a pickup left an icy road and crashed into a tree on French Road in Alpena Township on Wednesday.

ALPENA TOWNSHIP — A crash mangled a vehicle and sent two to the hospital in critical condition about 6:15 p.m. on Wednesday.

While police blocked traffic on excessively slick roads, firefighters from Alpena Township and Maple Ridge Township fire departments extracted two people from a pickup truck that left French Road south of Naylor Road and struck a tree in a home’s front yard.

Residents in the home heard the crash and called 911 when they saw the truck, on its side, wrapped around the tree, they said.

Responders at the scene would not share specifics about the condition of the vehicle’s occupants but called their condition critical. They could not confirm the cause of the crash, but high winds and extreme ice made the stretch of French Road treacherous.


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