
Pied Piper students sing, dance at Christmas program

News Photo by Darby Hinkley Pied Piper students perform a fun rendition of “The Twelve Days of Christmas” on Wednesday afternoon during their Christmas program, A Classic Holiday. Pictured, from left to right, are transition students D.J. Williams, Steven Polley, Emiley Gauden, Jacob Dykstra, Brandon Merchant, and Lucas Gawne.

ALPENA — Students of all ages shared their Christmas spirit with a large audience Wednesday afternoon at Pied Piper School.

“It is an honor to support our staff, and their work, in my role as principal,” Principal Larry Johns told the audience. “The act of welcoming conveys belonging. It conveys worth. Worth of the individual is one of the most important values. This value motivated parents to create Pied Piper School over 60 years ago. This value drives everything that we do, including our seasonal traditions.”

A lot of time and effort went into the holiday program, and the students showed their enthusiasm on stage.

“Our students and staff have been collaborating since Thanksgiving on the show you will see today,” Johns said. “They have selected the songs they are singing, with the help of their teachers. I had the opportunity to watch the rehearsals, and was moved seeing the relationships between our staff and students as they worked together.”

Transition student Steven Polley took to the podium after Johns welcomed family and friends to Pied Piper School’s Christmas program, A Classic Holiday.

News Photo by Darby Hinkley Pied Piper transition student Steven Polley introduces the next group to come out and perform for family and friends on Wednesday at Pied Piper’s Christmas program.

Jean Brown-Baker provided piano accompaniment for the program.

Polley did an excellent job keeping the audience entertained while announcing the groups of students before they hit the stage. After his group, the transition students, performed, he returned to the microphone and commented on how well they did, especially the guy in the blue sweater. Then he looked down at his blue sweater and got a laugh from the crowd as he said, “Oh, that was me.”

This was his first time announcing for a program.

“Larry told me that I could announce it, if I want to,” Polley said. “He told me that I have an amazing voice as a news anchor or announcer. And I accepted it. I read the script carefully, and I just did my part. I added a little bit of laughter in there, just at the end of our program.”

Polley said he was a tad nervous, but it really didn’t show.

He said he turned the nervousness into bravery, “and I just went along with it … I think it went pretty good.”

Polley enjoys attending Pied Piper School.

“This is already my second year here,” Polley explained. “My first year went excellent, although it took a little bit of getting used to.”

Johns said the Christmas program is a great confidence builder for students. It also highlights their individual talents and skills.

“It’s something that you see in a lot of local schools, where families are able to come and celebrate the individuality of their students,” Johns said. “Piper’s been doing that, probably, for at least 40 years.”

He is proud of all the students, and was elated to see how well Polley did in his role as announcer.

“We believe in honoring that worth of the students, in every way we can, and this is one of those ways to highlight those students in each of our classrooms,” Johns said. “And the parents are able to come and enjoy it and celebrate with their children.”

“At the end, I felt accomplished,” Polley added.

Darby Hinkley is Lifestyles editor. She can be reached at 989-358-5691 or dhinkley@thealpenanews.com.


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