
Avery takes new position with Target Alpena

ALPENA — The executive director of the Alcona County Commission on Aging who played a large role in securing a $12.5 million grant from the state to have a community center and housing constructed has taken a job as the economic development coordinator for Target Alpena.

Lenny Avery will begin in his new role later this month and remains on unpaid suspension after the ACCOA board voted to suspend him late last month.

Board President LeRoy Perrin said Monday he had no update on Avery’s employment or suspension status.

Chamber Economic Development Director Mike Mahler announced Avery’s hiring in a press release Monday and explained what the new economic development coordinator’s job duties include and how he will be critical in future growth in Alpena and Presque Isle counties.

Mahler said Avery will provide grant research and support, focus on helping existing companies through the MEDC retention program and work to facilitate and organize the newly formed Alpena housing task force.

Target Alpena is under the umbrella of the Alpena Area Chamber of Commerce.

“Lenny has direct experience in grant research and writing and has successfully secured funding that has directly benefited the citizens of the region,” Mahler said in the release. “Grant research and writing is the most critical part of this role and Lenny has proved to be very effective at it. Additionally, Lenny also has familiarity with the housing challenges we are facing regionally and the tools available to assist in addressing them. Lenny brings a comprehensive skill set and relevant experience to the role enabling him to add value rapidly.”

The future of the proposed project in Lincoln is now uncertain and likely to be scaled back. At an ACCOA meeting last month, four directors resigned and the remainder of the board placed Avery on suspension after he refused to resign.

The controversy in Alcona County over the grant funding hasn’t stopped economic development leaders in Alpena and local government officials from realizing Avery’s ability to secure grant funding, address housing needs, and lure development.

Mahler said he has no concerns about what is transpiring in Alcona County and the accusations made against Avery. He said Avery peaked his interest well before the drama with ACCOA began and Target did its due diligence before hiring him.

“Lenny was on my radar way before what transpired out there,” Mahler said. “He’s smart, hardworking and seems to have his act together. He’s been on my short list of people who could fit this role for a while and he checks off many of the boxes we needed to check off.”

Avery has maintained he has done nothing wrong and that he has helped lead ACCOA to financial stability and growth. He has requested the Alcona County Board of Commissioners conduct an investigation into his job performance to clear his name.

He said he is excited about the new opportunity he has and pledges to help make the entire region better.

“I’m just excited to work with a group of people who are excited to work with me,” he said.


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