
Jaws of Life used in two car crash

News Photo by Shannon Vivero The Alpena Township Fire Department uses the Jaws of Life to rescue a passenger involved in a car crash Thursday night at the intersection of U.S.-23 South and Werth Road.

ALPENA — Three different agencies responded to a two-vehicle car crash near the intersection of U.S.-23 South and Werth Road on Thursday night around 8 p.m.

The Jaws of Life were used to rescue a passenger, who was later transported to the hospital.

“The accident actually caused enough damage that it pinched the passenger door, he was in stable condition at the time and medics were in there working on him as we were working on the door,” Lieutenant Chris Stephans, of the Alpena Township Fire Department, said.

The Alpena Township Fire Department used the Jaws of Life to rescue a passenger trapped in a SUV. Medical personnel attended to the passenger that was found to be in stable condition. Upon freeing the passenger from the vehicle, the City of Alpena ambulance transported them to MyMichigan Medical Center Alpena.

The Michigan State Police-Alpena Post redirected traffic as the scene scattered across the entire intersection.

The crash is still under investigation.

Several people were transported to MyMichigan Medical Center Alpena prior to the passenger being extracted from the vehicle.


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