
Officials bringing change to Alpena County Sheriff’s Department

News Photo by Shannon Vivero Alpena County Sheriff’s Deputies Michael Lash and Sarah Lijewski help a young girl at the Alpena County George N. Fletcher Public Library on Thursday.

ALPENA — Alpena County Sheriff Erik Smith and Undersheriff Cash Kroll have been busy taking steps to move the Alpena County Sheriff’s Department into a new era of policing since their appointments to their respective positions last year.

“Change comes from within,” Smith said. “We are doing our due diligence to bring us together as an organization.”

Smith was appointed sheriff last May, just prior to Kroll being appointed undersheriff in July.

In nearly 10 months since Smith took office, the department is in the process of setting short-term and long-term goals to improve the department through different training opportunities, staff empowerment and interaction with residents.

“We are getting back to serving our community with dignity,” Smith said.

One way the department has taken steps to implement change is through a leadership course taught by Jackie Krawczak.

The department recognized communication as an ongoing issue, especially with a generational divide among employees and law enforcement officials.

“It all starts with training and empowering our people to be an example to the community,” Kroll said.

The leadership course was tailored to the department through a survey employees took part in. The survey indicated communication was a top issue and Krawczak was able to use training tools and resources to work with the department to improve communication.

“At the end of the day, it is refreshing to see how everyone is on the same page as an agency,” Krawczak said. “Staff seemed eager to participate, some were cautiously eager.”

Both Smith and Kroll said they have common goals of how the department can become more approachable, compassionate, understanding and respectable as employees work to protect and serve in the community.

“It is our responsibility to provide the correct training so our employees treat the public with respect,” Smith said. “We are doing our due diligence to bring us together as an organization.”


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