
Police chat with residents at Coffee with a Cop event

News Photo by Temi Fadayomi Law enforcement officers from the Alpena Police Department, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Alpena County Sheriff’s Office, and the Michigan State Police converse with Alpena residents as part of a Coffee with a Cop event on Wednesday.

ALPENA — On Wednesday, the Michigan State Police-Alpena Post hosted a Coffee with a Cop event at Cabin Creek Coffee.

Coffee with a Cop is a series of events being held by the State Police throughout the month of April with the goal of providing the general public with an opportunity to speak with their local law enforcement officials in an informal and low-stress setting.

“This is something that is held all over,” said Community Service Trooper Jason Kunath when asked about the inspiration for the event. “The goal is to try and get out there and talk to people.”

Law enforcement officers from the Alpena Police Department, Alpena County Sheriff’s Office, Michigan State Police, and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources were in attendance at Wednesday’s event, where they talked with Alpena residents.

The conversations ranged from inquiries about specific departments to clarifications on different laws to random chatter.

“This was a phenomenal community event,” said one of the residents in attendance, Annie Schultz, when asked to reflect on the event. “It was 100% worth my time.”


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