
Szymoniak takes over as interim Onaway football coach

Courtesy Photo Longtime Onaway boys’ basketball coach Eddy Szymoniak, pictured here during a previous season, was recently named the school’s interim football coach.

ONAWAY — When Onaway football coach Josh Bigby unexpectedly left the program last week, it left the program in quite the unwanted situation; even having to forfeit its season opening game with Inland Lakes due to not having a head coach in place.

Onaway now has its man in recently named interim head coach Eddy Szymoniak, and he is more than ready to help the program out in its time of need.

“People think I am crazy for doing this, but I knew that it was a bad situation that they were in and I knew that after talking to a few of the players that they were pretty heartbroken and I would do anything in my power to help,” Szymoniak said. “I may not have the coaching experience, but I am confident that I can build the program and the boys can have a successful season; not necessarily with wins, but having a fun season and being confident in what they do.”

Szymoniak may not have the coaching experience when it comes to football, but he is no stranger to success as the school’s long time boys’ varsity basketball coach. On the court he has turned the Cardinals into an annual contender in the Ski Valley Conference and has had several lengthy postseason runs as well.

“Whether I am here short term or long term, I felt this was something I needed to do for these boys,” he said. “I love these boys and I love the game of football so I am going to bring everything I can to this. When I set my mind to do something I go all the way and that is what I promised I am going to do with them.”

Szymoniak, a 2002 Onaway graduate, played football while in high school, and redshirted a year with Northwood University’s football program, before joining the Army. And while it has been some time since he has been involved with the game, it didn’t take him to find his stride.

“Our first practice (together) was on Friday and about 20 minutes into it, it was like I was back on the football field playing again,” Szymoniak said. “Obviously, this is a different role, but everyone knows I am passionate from coaching basketball. I have no idea if this is long term, but I am excited to do this. I guess we will see how it goes. I do know that once I get out on this field and start doing this I am not going to walk away.”

Onaway also needed an interim coach last year, after former head coach Steve Klinge left the school district for a position with the Kingsley school district during the opening week of practice. Interim coaches Bryan Pyle and Rice Price led the Cardinals to a 1-8 record.

Onaway Athletic Director Marty Mix believes the school is fortunate to have someone like Szymoniak step up to lead the program.

“I think that with the circumstances that came about, everything had to happen fast and to have someone like Eddy that knows the system, knows the kids and knows the conference, it is just going to be a really good fit to get these kids the most successful opportunity that we can have for the football season,” Mix said. “As of right now he is the interim coach to finish the season…I think he is going to do a great job with it to be honest with you. He has shown he has been a successful coach and a successful coach with these kids he has right now. It should be a fun set up for him. He was excited and the kids were excited when he was there Friday for practice.”

Now, the Cardinals will do what they can to put this unusual situation behind them. They are scheduled to host Bellaire on Thursday; a team that is 1-0 after topping Bear Lake 28-22 last week.

“At this point we are just worried about week one, and for us that is Bellaire,” Szymoniak said. “These guys have been working hard for the last few months. I am going to tweak a few things, but I am not coming in to change a whole lot, they are confident in what they are doing. I just told the boys it is time to put everything aside, we have to move forward and get game ready. I think this group is ready to get back on the field.”

The Cardinals will now spend the next eight weeks together, as they continue to put the unusual circumstances from the last few days behind them. Szymoniak is glad he’s the one to help them through it.

“I have to thank Marty and everyone (behind the decision) for the opportunity to do it,” he said. “They trust in me to build the program and I will do everything in my power to do that and I hope everyone jumps on board with us.”


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