
ACES staff, student present to Alpena school board

News Photo by Temi Fadayomi ACES Academy Director Matt Poli speaks to the APS Board of Education during their September board meeting on Monday.

ALPENA — Staff and students from the Alternative Choices for Educational Success Academy gave a presentation to the Alpena Public Schools Board of Education during its board meeting on Monday about the school.

“ACES is really kinda a multifaceted approach to how we support students,” ACES director Matt Poli said. “We create really unique ways to not only support the individual but also the district, and help bring them [students] around so ultimately we can get them to graduate in a timely fashion.”

ACES Academy is a 100% online program that is located inside Alpena High School. According to its website, ACES Academy is supported by a smaller classroom setting and daily mentoring in which staff works closely with students to help create and guide them through their own individual learning pathways.

During the presentation, Poli and other members of ACES staff talked about the different elements and features of the school, as well as the requirements for students.

ACES students are expected to meet the APS graduation credit requirements. They also have the options to enroll in AHS Career and Technical Courses, dual enroll with Alpena Community College, earn credits through volunteering, and work during non-scheduled class time.

“ACES offers opportunities to students who may not be successful in a general classroom situation,” APS Board President Anna Meinhardt said after the presentation. “I’m grateful that we can offer that alternative education program and I’m grateful for Mr. Poli and his staff and what they do to ensure that those kids are getting the education that they need.”


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