
Hoitenga bill would allow guns in Capitol

Michele Hoitenga

State Sen. Michele Hoitenga, R-Manton, who represents northern Michigan, introduced legislation Thursday that would allow people with a concealed pistol license to carry a weapon inside the Michigan Capitol.

On Aug. 16, the Michigan State Capitol Commission voted to ban guns within the Capitol and install weapon detection systems at each building entrance. Under the commission’s rules, current legislators with a concealed pistol license are exempt from the weapons ban.

Hoitenga’s bill, Senate Bill 468, would extend that exemption to all concealed license holders.

“Law-abiding citizens shouldn’t be forced to give up their rights when visiting their state Capitol, nor should they be treated any differently from the lawmakers who they elected to represent them in Lansing,” Hoitenga said in a statement. “All CPL holders receive a background check and state-licensed instruction; they should maintain their constitutionally protected right to carry in self-defense, even while inside the Capitol building. Democrats care more about pandering to their radical base than actual public safety.”


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