
Szatkowski paints mural at VFW Hall in Alpena

News Photo by Darby Hinkley On Friday, Alpena artist Chad Szatkowski continues working on the bald eagle and American flag mural he is painting on the side of the Alpena VFW Hall at 2900 Connon St. Szatkowski is deaf and his dad, Joseph Szatkowski, interpreted for him during an interview on Thursday afternoon. “He’s an artist,” Joseph Szatkowski said of Chad. “He’s been doing it for 25 years. He also does tattooing. He’s been doing that since he was 16.” Szatkowski has done murals around town, including the mural on the old Habitat for Humanity ReStore on Chisholm Street, which unfortunately burned down, one on the Sand Bar and Grill at Long Lake, and more. “He’s got it down, but it’s hard work,” Joseph Szatkowski added.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley On Thursday, Alpena artist Chad Szatkowski smiles for a quick pic before continuing work on the bald eagle and American flag mural he is painting on the side of the Alpena VFW Hall at 2900 Connon St. He started on Thursday morning and planned to complete it by Friday evening.


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