
Alpena Sports Hall of Fame board selects 14 for ballot

ALPENA — The Alpena Sports Hall of Fame Board of Directors has selected 14 individuals out of a pool of nearly four dozen nominees to be placed on this year’s ballot.

Ballots will be mailed to all current voting members next month. Anyone wishing to become a voting member can contact Liz Klemens at 989-255-8106 or Mike Kollien at 989-590-8276 or e-mail alpenasportshof@gmail.com for a membership form.

Membership forms are also available on the Alpena Sports Hall of Fame Facebook page.

Membership options are: Five years for $25, 10 years for $50, or a lifetime membership for $100.

To vote on this year’s ballot, your Membership Application must be received by Nov. 1.

The athletes on this year’s ballot are:

∫ Nathan Barden (baseball and basketball) – Alpena HS Class of 1999

∫ Marsha Beaubien Parker (softball, volleyball, basketball) — Alpena HS Class of 2005

∫ Ashley (Hunault) Williams (track and field) – Alpena HS Class 2007

∫ Lisa (Gallagher) Datema (basketball and softball) — Alpena HS Class of 1980

∫ Becky (Jore) Rommel (basketball) – Alpena HS Class of 1992

∫ John Keller (track) — Alpena HS Class of 1978

∫ Christina Kollien (basketball and track) – Alpena HS Class of 2013

∫ Kevin Konczak (world-class triathlon champion) – Alpena HS Class of 1987

∫ Elaine (Lowe) LaBarge (cross country, track and field) — Alpena HS Class of 2013

∫ Eric Muszynski (basketball) — Alpena HS Class of 1998

∫ Sue (Piper) Geyer (golf) — Alpena HS Class of 1981

∫ Tony Pokorzynski (track and field) — Alpena HS graduate

∫ Tony Skiba (hockey and soccer) — Alpena HS Class of 1992

∫ Taylor (Stepanski) Lamb (track and cross country) — Alpena HS Class of 2012


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