
PHOTO GALLERY: Maritime museum gets spooky

News Photo by Mike Gonzalez Volunteer Jim Dessenberg gives out candy to trick-or-treaters during an event at the Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center on Friday.
From left, Kyla Schatz, Jodie Herron, and Lisa Kruse dress up as the witches from the film “Hocus Pocus” to greet the trick-or-treat guests on Friday at the Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center.
News Photo by Mike Gonzalez A Star Wars section with costumed characters of the series and a projected Death Star were on display at the trick-or-treat event at the Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center on Friday.
News Photo by Mike Gonzalez Event Volunteer Coordinator Mary Taliareni, left, and volunteer Cindy Kelly wait for guests for the trick-or-treat event on Friday at the Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center.


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