
Alpena Jewish temple supported

News Photo by Temi Fadayomi Ken Diamond, president of the Temple Beth El congregation in Alpena, sits in front of the temple’s stained-glass window on Nov. 13.

ALPENA — Over a month after Israel declared war against Hamas in Gaza, sparking a spike in antisemitism around the globe, Alpena’s Temple Beth El has received support from the Alpena community, according to the congregation’s president, Ken Diamond.

“We have received many messages of support from various peoples,” said Diamond. “Individuals, groups, churches, in the Alpena area, expressing their support for Israel and for ourselves in terms of what’s happening and expressing their desire to help. And we appreciate all of that, as well.”

Since the war began on Oct. 7, Diamond noted there has been a significant rise in antisemitism, as well as other kinds of bigotry.

“Certainly, there has been a spike in hate speech against Jews since that attack,” said Diamond. “All of those reactions here in the States have been abhorrent in terms of hate speech, whether it be against Blacks, whether it’s against Jews, whether it’s Islamophobia, gay community, whatever, we just abhor the reactions that are going on.”

However, Diamond said that, within Alpena, the temple has primarily received support.

“The community outreach that we’ve received has been very supportive, and we thank them for that, ” said Diamond. “We encourage continued peace among the community and fellowship amongst the groups and the people here.”

According to Diamond, the temple is currently collaborating with other local churches to continue to advocate for peace.

“We live in a community of multiple religions, and, to that effect, all of them are aligned with the reactions and trying to get peace among all the peoples,” said Diamond. “We have a good relationship with all the churches here in town, and we foster that and bring it to fruition.”

Diamond said he and the temple stand with Israel’s right to defend itself.

“We grieve and mourn with all the victims of the conflict that’s going on in Israel and Gaza at this point,” said Diamond. “Hamas and Hezbollah are both terrorist groups, and Israel has the right and the duty to defend itself.”


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