
Alpena Community College men and women lose to Kellogg Community College

Alpena Community College womens basketball team lost to Kellogg Community College on Saturday, 41-80.

The leading scorer for Alpena was Emily Jackson with 12 points. Other high scorers were Allie Urlaub with 7 points, Makayla Kamszek with 6 points, and Isabella Franklin who also had 6 points.

The ACC women play Muskegon Community College in Alpena on Saturday at 1 p.m.

The ACC mens team also lost to KCC on Saturday with a final score of 82-73.

Alpena was led by Davarion Mitchell who had 21 points and 13 rebounds and Eli Henning who had 20 points and seven rebounds.

Their next game is against Muskegon Community College in Alpena on Saturday at 3 p.m.


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