
Thunder Bay Blockheads 15U snatch 4-3 win over Northern Michigan Cyclones on Sunday

Courtesy Photo The Thunder Bay Blockheads 15U team is seen in this undated courtesy photo. The team took a victory on Sunday over the Northern Michigan Cyclones, 4-3.

Thunder Bay Blockheads 15U snatched the lead late in their 4-3 victory over Northern Michigan Cyclones on Sunday.

The Blockheads were the first to get on the board in the first when Eion Eades grounded out, scoring one run.

The Cyclones captured the lead, 3-1, in the top of the fifth after Max Batkoski-Reynolds signled, Dylan Aukeman grounded out, and the Blockheads committed an error, each scoring one run.

In the bottom of the fifth inning, the Blockheads went back into the lead after Eads grounded out, Cyclones committed and error, and Anderson hit a sacrifice fly, each scoring one run.

Zach Orban started on the bump for Thunder Bay. The starting pitchers allowed three hits and three runs (two earned) over four and two-thirds innings, striking out five and walking three. Eads threw one and one-third innings of shutout ball for Thunder Bay in relief. The relieve have up zero hits, striking out three and walking one.

Eades, Gavin Ross, and Anderson each drove in one run for the Blockheads.

Ethan Walker went 1-for-1 at the plate to lead the Blockheads in hits.

Troy MacArthur led the Blockheads with two walks.

Overall, the team tallied six walks for the game.

Batkoski-Reynolds led the Cyclones with one run batted in. The right-handed hitter when 1-for-2 on the day.

Daniel Urman, Carter Samuelson, and Batkowski-Reynolds each collected one hit for the Cyclones.


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