
POLICE BLOTTER: Alcona County deputies handle 111 complaints

Recent actions by law enforcement agencies in Northeast Michigan.

This has been only lightly edited.


For the week Sept. 30 – Oct. 6, 111 complaints were handled resulting in the following:

Citations Issued 16

Arrests 5

Warrant Arrests 5

Car/Deer 18

Traffic/Traffic Stop 35

Warrant Arrest 5

Property Damage Accident 3

Personal Injury Accident 1

Assist 6

Animal/Dog 1

Fraud 1

No Insurance 1

911 Hang-up 2

Suspicious Event 5

PBT/Drug Testing 11

Fingerprints 1

Threats/Harassment 3

Suicidal Subject 2

Larceny 2

Juvenile 1

Alarm 4

Assault 1

Civil 3

Burglary 1

Open Door 1

Child Neglect 1

Domestic 1

Mental 1


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