
39 inducted into the Employment Services, Inc. Hall of Fame

Courtesy Photo The 39 individuals who were inducted into the Employment Services, Inc. Hall of Fame pose for a photo on Oct. 17. A dinner was hosted to honor the inductees who have worked for ESI clients for 35 years or longer.

On Oct. 17, Employment Services, Inc. hosted a dinner and reception to honor 39 individuals who have worked for ESI clients for 35 years or longer. The inductees and a guest were honored with dinner, a plaque of recognition, a keynote address by Greg Winter, and a donation made to a non-profit organization of their choice. They are also featured on ESI’s website, www.358-jobs.com. This was the inaugural year of the Hall of Fame.

When the average duration of employment in the United States at one company is 4.1 years (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics), 35 years is a milestone. ESI provides human resources solutions to a select group of more than 100 businesses that are primarily focused on the material handling industry.

The 39 inaugural inductees include: Michael Baird, Tom Bates, Randy Beaudoin, Scott Bishop, Ed Bolda, John Diamond, Paul Diamond, Mike Donajkowski, Pat Eagling, Dave Edgar, Jeff Edgar, Dave Filipiak, Paul Filipiak, Rob Frantz, Jerry Grabow, Pat Hantz, Cathy Idalski, Larry Kamyszek, Alan Kaschner, Glen Kowalski, Ken LaRoche, Virgil LaRoche, Jim Leeseberg, Greg Litwinski, Susan McHarg, Joel Nowak, Dennis O’Neil, Gary Pilarski, Ken Ritthaler, Thomas Romel, Vic Ross, Doug Roznowski, Tom Standen, Michael Stoinski, Larry Suszek, Diane Taylor, Tom Townsend, Brian Truman, and Phil Zaborney.


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