
Local runners compete at state finals

Courtesy Photo Alcona’s Cole Upper runs in the cross country state finals at Michigan International Speedway in Brooklyn on Saturday. Upper placed 65th of 252 runners.

Alcona High School’s Cole Upper ran at the MHSAA Cross Country State Finals at Michigan International Speedway in Brooklyn on Saturday. According to his coach, Tammy Nelson, Upper set high goals for himself and ended up placing 65th out of 252 runners, finishing with a time of 17:28.

“I’m so proud of his hard work and determination,” Nelson said. “Cole never gives up and always puts forth his best effort. Great job, Cole! I’m looking forward to seeing what he brings next year as a senior.”

Alpena High School’s Xander Allen also competed at the state finals on Saturday. As Alpena’s lone representative at the state meet, Allen placed 85th in the Division One men’s race with a time of 16:14.7.

Ranked as one of the top freshmen harriers in the state the entire season, Allen crossed the line ahead of all but two other freshmen in the race.

Next up for Allen, and a number of other local athletes, is the 2024 MITCA Michigan Meet of Champions on Nov. 9 and the Foot Locker Midwest Regional Cross Country Championships on Nov. 30.


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