
Man arrested after truck-for-puppy deal

A 40-year-old Alpena man was arraigned Thursday on one count of larceny by conversion greater than $1,000 but less than $20,000 after police said he stole another man’s truck and used it as collateral for a puppy.

Police were contacted Monday when a man told him he had loaned a truck to the 40-year-old Alpena man but hadn’t been able to get the truck back. He said he’d seen his truck for sale on Facebook Marketplace.

Police contacted the sellers and learned the 40-year-old had given them the Ford F-150 as collateral for a puppy they were selling but had never made good on the purchase agreement, so they tried to sell the truck. They did not have the title and told police they didn’t know the truck was stolen.

The man who gave the truck for the puppy is due back in court on Dec. 17.


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