
PHOTO GALLERY: 80-year-old takes 8-point buck with 53-year-old old bow

Courtesy Photo Joseph Stepanski poses with an eight-point buck he shot on Oct. 4.

At 80 years old, Joseph Stepanski, of Long Lake, shot an eight-pointer on Oct. 4.

He started hunting at the age of 15, making this his 65th year of bow hunting at the Bionic Buck Club northwest of Long Lake.

He shot the buck with a 44-pound traditional Browning recurve bow that he bought new from Alpena Sporting Goods in 1971.

When he bought it new in 1971, he shot a 10-pointer that opening morning with it.

He immediately retired the bow to the wall with the deer. There it hung for decades.

Courtesy Photo Joseph Stepanski shows off a 10-point buck in 1971, shot with the same bow he used to capture an eight-point buck in a recent hunt.

Stepanski recently pulled that bow off the wall to help change his luck and ended up shooting an eight-pointer.


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