
PHOTO GALLERY: Salvation Army kicks off red kettle campaign

Courtesy Photo People gather at the Salvation Army of Alpena church on Thursday for the annual Blessing of the Bells event at which the church prays for a successful red kettle bell-ringing fundraising campaign.
News Photo by Justin A. Hinkley Maj. Prezza Morrison, left, pastor and corps officer at the Salvation Army of Alpena, addresses a crowd of about 25 people at the Salvation Army's red kettle campaign kickoff event on Friday at the Salvation Army while Janet Winter, of Living Hope Church, looks on.
News Photo by Justin A. Hinkley Janet Winter, left, and Matt Winter, of the Living Hope Church praise band, perform Christmas carols on Friday at the Salvation Army of Alpena's red kettle campaign kickoff event at the Salvation Army.
News Photo by Justin A. Hinkley Steve Jakubcin, the 2024 Salvation Army of Alpena honorary red kettle chairman, addresses the crowd on Friday at the Salvation Army's red kettle campaign kickoff event at the Salvation Army.
News Photo by Justin A. Hinkley Kathy Ceci, a caseworker at the Salvation Army of Alpena, on Friday tells stories of people served by the Salvation Army during the group's red kettle campaign kickoff event at the Salvation Army.
News Photo by Justin A. Hinkley Willie June Dunn, left, the new intern working during the Christmas season at the Salvation Army of Alpena, speaks on Friday at the Salvation Army as Maj. Prezza Morrison, corps officer and pastor of the local Salvation Army, looks on during a kickoff event for the Salvation Army’s annual red kettle campaign fundraiser. Kettles and the world-famous bell-ringers are now out at several Alpena-area stores, including Walmart, the Alpena post office, Save-a-Lot, Perch’s IGA, Big Lots, and Tractor Supply. The Salvation Army is still seeking three corporate kettle sponsors. Contact the Salvation Army at 989-358-2769 for more information or to sign up as a sponsor.


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