
Alpena boys varsity swim triumphs in home opener

News Photo by Leslianne Johns Logan Mill swims in Tuesday’s meet against Ogemaw. In the first home meet of the year, Alpena came out victorious, defeating Ogemaw 97-69. The Wildcats’ next meet is on Thursday when they travel to Chesaning.

ALPENA — On Tuesday, the Alpena boys varsity swim team opened their season with a decisive 97-69 victory over Ogemaw in their first home meet.

The team, consisting of Nicholas Dargis, Milo Dahleen, Emmet Derosia, Landen Gagnon, Quentin Hubert, Joel Kaiser, Drew McConnell, Logan Mill, Linkon Meinzinger, Josh Short, Brendan Werth, Kaleb Werth, and Alex Winfield, saw contributions from every swimmer in securing the win.

“This year, the team’s primary goals for the season are to fill each event, improve overall speed, and develop a strong sense of teamwork,” said head coach Jennifer Johnson. “The key is having a balance for individual records and overall team success.”

Johnson emphasized the importance of versatility, with team members swimming multiple events.

The season’s focus will be on strategies such as good mechanics, proper breathing, and building strong endurance.

“The goal is continuous improvement,” Johnson said, noting that swimmers will work to improve their times, entries, turns, and finishes through dedicated practice.

The Wildcats will look to carry their momentum into their next meet on Thursday when they travel to Chesaning for a 5 p.m. competition.


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