
Alpena County Sheriff’s Office warns residents of scams

The Alpena County Sheriff’s Office would like to warn residents of a scam recently brought to our attention, according to a Monday news release from the office.

A caller is identifying themselves as an actual member of the Alpena County Sheriff’s Office. The caller will use different types of situations to scare callers into sending them money.

The callers are using unique stories with each person they call. At times, these scammers use local telephone numbers. They even use technology that allows them to make it look like they are calling from the sheriff’s office phone number.

The Alpena County Sheriff’s Office does not take money over the phone or with a prepaid gift card. If you receive a call of this nature, please do not engage with these scammers and do not send money. Questions can be directed to the sheriff’s office at 989-354-9830.

Additional information on spoofing and how to avoid a phone scam can be found at this website: www.fcc.gov/spoofing


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