
Alpena Township moves toward water deal with Alpena

News File Photo The Alpena water tower is seen in this November 2018 photo.

ALPENA — Today, the saga continued to end the decade-long litigation between Alpena and Alpena Township over water rates before a court appearance on Thursday.

The township Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve a proposed settlement at a special meeting today, and the Alpena Municipal Council could vote on the agreement during a special meeting of its own tonight at 5 p.m.

Neither government has released any details about the terms of the proposed settlement.

The township buys water and sewer services from the city to sell to township residents.

If the council approves the proposed settlement, it could end the litigation that has cost the two governments millions of dollars in attorney and consulting fees over the years.

This is not the first time a proposed settlement has been brought to the two boards in recent weeks.

The township voted to approve a settlement on Dec. 5, but the city council didn’t vote after a lengthy closed session on Monday.

If council votes in favor of the deal tonight, the case would likely be dropped.

The litigation began in 2014 and has had many twists and turns while hit traveled through the local court system and to the state courts.

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