
MyMichigan Alpena earns performance award

News File Photo MyMichigan Medical Center Alpena is seen in this photo taken in July 2023.

MyMichigan Medical Center Alpena has earned a 2024 Performance Leadership Award for excellence. compiled by The Chartis Center for Rural Health, the award recognizes the top quartile performance among rural hospitals in quality, outcomes, or patient perspective. The hospital in Alpena was awarded for its outcomes results.

“We understand the critical importance of quality care in areas that often face unique challenges. This award serves as a testament to our ongoing efforts to innovate, adapt, and improve our services, ensuring that every patient receives the highest standard of care, regardless of their location,” said Hunter Nostrant, president of MyMichigan Medical Center Alpena. “We are grateful for the support of Chartis and our community of Alpena, and we look forward to continuing to serve our Purpose in Creating Healthy Communities – Together.”

The Performance Leadership Awards are based on the results of the Chartis Rural Hospital Performance INDEX®, a comprehensive and objective framework for assessing how rural hospitals are performing. INDEX benchmarks are relied upon by rural hospitals, health systems with rural footprints, hospital associations, and state offices of rural health to measure performance across multiple areas impacting hospital operations and finance.


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