
PHOTO GALLERY: Hunters show off their deer

Courtesy Photo Georgia Alberts, 16, of Lachine, poses with an eight-point-buck she shot.
Courtesy Photo Georgia Alberts, 16, of Lachine, poses with her first 10-point buck shot a day before the end of muzzleloader season. She attends Alpena High School. Alberts shot her first deer off her father’s lap at 11. Since then, she has been in the paper every year with six- and eight-pointers.
Courtesy Photo Gordon Bennett, 84, poses with a deer he shot on Nov. 18 off Long Rapids Road at his hunting camp. It was an 11-pointer, 204 pounds, and scored a 156.8. It was the largest Michigan whitetail he ever shot. Bennett won the Lachine buck pole for 2024.
Courtesy Photo Deer shot by Gordon Bennett are seen in this photo.


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