
POLICE BLOTTER: Montmorency deputies handle vehicle-deer accidents, verbal dispute

Recent actions by law enforcement agencies in Northeast Michigan. This has been only lightly edited.


News Release Dec. 23

Total: 88

Alarms: 3

Animal Control: 5

Traffic Arrests: 0

OWI Arrests: 0

Drug Arrests: 0

Warrant Arrests: 0

Complaint Arrest: 0

Animal/Vehicle Crashes: 12

Disputes: 2

Lewiston EMS: 6

Lewiston Fire: 0

Tri-Township EMS: 15

Tri-Township Fire: 0

Hillman EMS: 14

Hillman Fire: 0

Vienna Fire: 0

Canada Creek EMS: 1

Canada Creek Fire: 0


Inmates housed in Alpena Jail – 11

Dec. 16

6:56 a.m.: A vehicle-deer accident was reported in Hillman Township; a report was taken.

7:39 a.m.: A vehicle-deer accident was reported in Vienna Township; a report was taken.

Dec. 17

12:52 a.m.: Dispatch received a complaint about a door on a Hillman business left open. A deputy responded to the complaint and cleared and secured the building.

8:42 a.m.: A vehicle-deer accident was reported in Avery Township; a report was taken.

7:41 p.m.: A vehicle-deer accident was reported in Rust Township; a report was taken.

Dec. 18

3:23 a.m.: Dispatch received a report of a motion alarm set off in an Albert Township residence; deputies searched the residence and found it secure.

8:11 a.m.: A vehicle-deer crash was reported in Rust Township; a report was taken.

8:46 a.m.: A deputy transported two prisoners from Alpena Jail to Montmorency Courthouse and then back to jail.

1:34 p.m.: A concerned citizen came into MCSO lobby to report that there is garbage being left at the Crooked Lake boat launch, and people are hanging around the boat launch after dark.

3:11 p.m.: A verbal dispute in progress was reported at a business in Atlanta, a deputy responded to the scene; spoke with both parties involved and cleared without incident.

7:39 p.m.: Deputies responded to a residential alarm in Albert Township. While en route, ADT Security was able to reach the homeowners and canceled the dispatch.

Dec. 19

7:49 a.m.: A deer-vehicle crash was reported in Montmorency Township. A report was taken, the vehicle was not able to be driven so was towed from the scene.

11:38 a.m.: A two-vehicle crash without injury was reported in Hillman Township. A deputy responded to the scene to take the report.

6:43 p.m.: MCSO deputies responded to a report made stating that a male subject threatened the complainant at a business in the Village of Hillman. Deputies spoke with both parties involved and advised the complainant to get a PPO at the courthouse.

10:46 p.m.: 2 large dogs were found on County Rd 487 in Avery Township. A deputy retrieved the dogs and returned them to their residence.

Dec. 20

6:22 a.m.: A subject came into the lobby to report they had gotten into an accident in Briley Township; a report was taken.

4:54 p.m.: A deputy responded to a welfare check in Albert Township. The deputy found the subject to be okay.

5:23 p.m.: A deputy responded to a dispute in Hillman, both parties were separated for the night.

Dec. 21

11:46 a.m.: Hillman Township Fire Department responded to a possible vehicle fire in Alpena County. Upon arrival the units found there to be no fire or possible threat.

6:04 PM A Briley Township resident reported a lawn mower in the side of the road. A deputy went out and had the lawn mower moved off of the roadway.

Dec. 22

5:27 p.m.: A deer-vehicle accident was reported in Avery Township; a report was taken.

9:44 p.m.: A deer-vehicle accident was reported in Loud Township; a report was taken.


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