
State Police name Utt Alpena Post commander

Anthony Utt

ALPENA — The Michigan State Police has named 1st Lt. Anthony Utt as commander of its Alpena Post.

Utt will take the helm effective Sunday.

He replaces 1st Lt. John Grimshaw, who retired last month after 30 years with the State Police, including nine years as Alpena Post commander.

A native of Weidman, Utt holds a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Herzing University.

He began his career with the State Police on Oct. 28, 2012 as a member of the 124th Trooper Recruit School.

Utt’s first assignment was at the Alpena Post, where he served as a trooper. He later worked as a trooper at the State Police’s Mio Detachment before joining the Strike Team Investigative Narcotics Group (STING) in West Branch as a detective trooper specialist.

In March 2020, Utt was promoted to sergeant at the Alpena Post. Later, in November 2020, he was appointed detective sergeant at the same post.

Utt has been involved in some of the biggest cases in Northeast Michigan, including the investigation into the 2021 killings of Brynn Bills and Abby Hill.

As Alpena Post commander, Utt will oversee State Police operations in Alpena, Presque Isle, Montmorency, Alcona, and Oscoda counties.


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