
Warmer temps projected in Northeast Michigan in upcoming months

News Photo by Steve Schulwitz The wooden bridge at Duck Park in Alpena was covered with snow on Christmas Day. The snow may not last though, as a local warmup is being forecasted.

ALPENA — People in Northeast Michigan who wanted a white Christmas got their wish, but the snow currently on the ground may not survive for long.

Warmer than normal temperatures, coupled with rain, are on the way which could melt away a significant amount of the snow the region received recently.

The National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center is also projecting that the period from January through March could be warmer than normal, with next month being the coolest of the three months.

After a few brisk days leading up to the holiday, temperatures will begin to rise for the coming weekend.

In Alpena, temperatures are forecasted to climb into the mid-40s, with low overnight temperatures remaining above freezing. More common winter temperatures are predicted beginning on New Year’s Day when they return to the low 30s.

There is no significant snow predicted for the next two weeks, but there are chances of rain during the warm spell.

The National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center says there is a slight chance of warmer-than-average temperatures, but January is also the month that has the highest uncertainty.

The weather service says currently, computer models that predict weather conflict with each other and until they become closer to agreement, a firm prediction is hard to make.

“A cold pattern might return for a period of time in January and bring more rounds of cold air to the Northeast, but it’s not a guarantee given conflicting computer model guidance,” the Prediction Center said in its latest report. “So, it’s possible this January forecast could shift in a future update coming later this month depending on atmospheric indicators at that time.”

February, however, is a different story. The Climate Prediction Center says computer models are already in line and show the Great Lakes region and the eastern part of the United States have a significant shot at being much warmer than the average winter month.

The long-term forecast also indicates March seems to be shaping up to be slightly warmer than average.

Although there is a chance much of the snow in the area could melt and warmer-than-average temperatures are predicted for the rest of winter, it is only a matter of time until more snow arrives. The current extended forecast shows there is a 33% chance of snow on Jan.3, but little else before that. The long-term forecast however could change as unexpected shifts in weather patterns occur.

Steve Schulwitz can be reached at 989-358-5689 or sschulwitz@TheAlpenaNews.com. Follow him on X @ss_alpenanews.com.


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