
Alpena addresses traffic light issue

Carrier and Gable, Inc. engineering consultants, from Farmington Hills, who specialize in traffic control solutions, were in Alpena Saturday morning to inspect the traffic light at the 3rd Avenue and Hobbs Drive/Bagley Street intersection, the city announced in a press release Saturday.

The city received numerous reports from members of the community of issues with the traffic signals as they traveled east down 3rd Avenue from Thunder Bay Junior High.

During their inspection, Carrier and Gable did confirm issues with the camera that detects this eastbound traffic. The city is hopeful that the issue has been resolved but asks that the community continue to report any issues with the traffic lights at this intersection to the Engineering Department at 989-354-1730.

Alpena would like to thank the community for their patience as it works to identify and resolve the issue, the release said. The city will continue to monitor the traffic lights and will make adjustments as needed.


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