
Kevin Currier joins Alpena Municipal Council

Kevin Currier

ALPENA — Kevin Currier says he sees Alpena’s potential for growth and prosperity every day and he wants to work with city officials to make Alpena the best it can be.

On Monday, Currier was appointed to the Alpena Municipal Council to replace Cindy Johnson who was elected mayor in November but left a vacant seat on the council because there weren’t enough candidates during the election to fill it.

Currier was one of eight people to be interviewed during Monday’s council members, and after whittling down the field of candidates, the council voted 4-0 to appoint him.

“It’s humbling and an honor to be on council and to work for the people,” he said on Wednesday. “I believe being on council is not about a person’s politics. It’s not about being partisan. It is about the people and that is who I pledge to work for. This isn’t about me, it is about Alpena and the community.”

He was born and raised in Alpena before leaving for a spell. He said he moved back home to be near his family and is now part-owner of the family business, Neighborhood Provisions, in Alpena.

Currier said he believes housing, development — especially at the former Decorative Panels International property — and marketing Alpena to potential new residents are some of the things he would like to work with the other council members on.

“I have seen Alpena’s challenges and successes and I want to help it be the best it can be,” Currier said. “I want to see the town live up to what it should be and move away from it being so industry-based to being more tourism-based. It is important to get more people to move to Alpena and keep them here. More importantly, keep their children here.”

Currier’s appointment is for the final two years of Johnson’s term and then he will have to decide whether to run for election in 2026 to keep the seat. He said, to him, that the decision to run would be simple when the time comes, but right now, he is unsure.

“It will depend on how successful I am and what I can accomplish with the rest of the council. If I’m able to help, then I may run,” he said. “If not, then maybe I will walk away. There are many talented people and I would hate for them to not get an opportunity like I did.”

Steve Schulwitz can be reached at 989-358-5689 or sschulwitz@TheAlpenaNews.com. Follow him on X @ss_alpenanews.com.


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