
Kozlowski renamed Alpena County board chairman

News Photo by Steve Schulwitz Alpena County Clerk Keri Bertrand, left, gives the oath of office to the Alpena County Board of Commissioners during the county board’s annual organizational meeting on Thursday in Alpena.

ALPENA — The Alpena County Board of Commissioners on Thursday voted six-to-zero to elect John Kozlowski as board chairman for a second straight year.

The board also named Commissioner Bill Peterson vice chairman.

None of the other commissioners were nominated for the positions.

Kozlowski said serving as chair last year opened his eyes to how important and time-consuming the position is.

He said he believed he was very involved with staff and worked well with his fellow commissioners to get things done and to whittle away at a large 2025 budget shortfall the county faced and could face again next year.

The county projected a 2025 budget shortfall of more than $1 million, but, with cuts and by moving some money around, the commissioners balanced the 2025 budget.

“I learned that it was a lot of work to make sure we do what is right, and I definitely put in the time needed to do it,” he said. “I hope that we can continue with some of the things we’re working toward to help the financial situation. I think we did a good job this year, the staff and the board, I think we are moving in the right direction.”

Kozlowski said the support he received from his fellow commissioners humbled him.

He said he will continue to work hard for them and for every resident in Alpena County.

“I appreciate the support,” Kozlowski said. “I know I’m not always going to do everything right or make everyone happy, but I’ll definitely try my best to do what is right for the county. I do appreciate their confidence in me.”

Also Thursday, commissioners named Commissioner Bill Peterson chairman of the board’s Finance, Ways, and Means Committee. Commissioner Brenda Fournier will chair the Personnel Committee. Commissioner Travis Konarzewski will chair the Facilities, Capital, and Strategic Planning Committee. Commissioner Lucille Bray will serve as chair for the Courts and Public Safety Committee. Commissioner Bill LaHaie will chair the Airport Committee.

At the beginning of Thursday’s meeting, Alpena County Clerk Keri Bertrand gave the commissioners their oath of office after each won during the November election.

Also Thursday, commissioners appointed Dan Ludlow to serve as the commissioner for the county’s District 2, which covers Alpena’s north side, from Chisholm Street at the hospital to the boat harbor.

Commissioners first appointed Ludlow to the board last year to replace Jesse Osmer, who stepped down to accept the county administrator job.

All of the commissioners will serve a four-year term except Ludlow, who will have to run for a full term in 2026. He has indicated he intends to do so.

Steve Schulwitz can be reached at 989-358-5689 or sschulwitz@TheAlpenaNews.com. Follow him on X @ss_alpenanews.com.


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