
POLICE BLOTTER: Montmorency County deputies respond to disputes, car crashes

Recent actions by law enforcement agencies in Northeast Michigan. This has been only lightly edited.


News Release Jan. 13, 2025

Total: 107

Alarms: 1

Animal Control: 5

Traffic Arrests: 0

OWI Arrests: 1

Drug Arrests: 0

Warrant Arrests: 1

Complaint Arrest: 0

Animal/Vehicle Crashes: 3

Disputes: 4

Lewiston EMS: 13

Lewiston Fire: 3

Tri-Township EMS: 24

Tri-Township Fire: 4

Hillman EMS: 15

Hillman Fire: 2

Vienna Fire: 1

Canada Creek EMS: 1

Canada Creek Fire: 0


Inmates housed in Alpena Jail – 11

Jan. 6

9:58 a.m.: A resident of Hillman came into MCSO lobby to inquire about the eviction process. It was explained to him.

4:49 p.m.: A business in Briley Township requested a male subject to be trespassed from their facility. Contact was made with the subject and he was trespassed.

Jan. 8

5:46 p.m.: A dispute was reported in Briley Township; deputies responded to the complaint and talked with two male subjects; the parties were separated for the night.

Jan. 9

8:06 a.m.: Dispatch received a report of a strong gas smell in Albert Township, Albert Township Fire Department responded to the complaint and deemed the area safe and cold weather was the possible cause.

Jan. 10

1:30 p.m.: Male subject in the lobby to request officers patrol Grass Lake area for snowmobiles that are going too fast. Deputies advised.

3:15 p.m.: A wallet was dropped off at MCSO that was found at a business near Atlanta.

6:49 p.m.: Deputies responded to a dispute in Albert Township. Deputies were able to contact the female party; the male had already left. The argument was found to be mutual and deputies cleared the scene without incident.

11:38 p.m.: Dispatch received a complaint stating a driver had crashed into the complainant’s yard. Deputies responded and the driver was found running. A male subject was arrested for OWI and lodged at Alpena County Jail.

Jan. 11

7:22 a.m.: A deer-vehicle crash was reported in Briley Township; a report was taken. The vehicle was able to be driven from the scene.

9:40 a.m.: A civil standby was requested in Briley Township, a deputy responded to the residence.

10:19 a.m.: A single-vehicle crash was reported in Briley Township. MCSO deputy along with Tri Township Fire and EMS all responded to the scene. The driver denied injury.

11:50 a.m.: A male subject called to report multiple snowmobilers out on a lake in Hillman Township. RP states the snowmobiles were going in excess of 100 mph. DNR responded to the lake to speak with all parties involved.

7:31 p.m.: A resident reported multiple loud trucks racing down the street in Albert Township. A deputy responded and found tracks from trucks and snowmobiles. The deputy stayed in the area to watch for the truck and snowmobiles but was unable to locate them.

Jan. 12

3:14 a.m.: Deputies were dispatched to a business in Albert Township for a commercial burglary alarm. Upon arrival, the deputies found the building filled with smoke. Albert, Vienna, Tri Township, Greenwood, Lovells, and Johannesburg Fire Departments all responded to the scene. DTE was contacted to assist with the gas and PIE&G assisted with the electric.

3:28 a.m.: An assault was reported in Hillman Township. The suspect fled prior to law enforcement arrival. An investigation is still ongoing.

10:52 a.m.: A suspicious vehicle parked in Vienna Township was reported by the nearby property owner, contact was made with the owner of the vehicle and he was working for one of the property owners.

11:12 a.m.: A welfare check was requested on a resident of Montmorency Township; a deputy responded to the residence. He found the subject had fallen and requested EMS to the scene.

6:42 p.m.: Deputies came upon a vehicle slid off into the ditch in Avery Township. The driver had already contacted a tow company and deputies waited with her until the company arrived.

6:52 p.m.: A welfare check was requested in Albert Township; the subject was found to be fine and was just feeling sick.

7:43 p.m.: A deputy assisted in a civil standby in Hillman Township.

7:48 p.m.: The DNR received a complaint of a neighbor burning trash in Albert Township and notified MCSO.

9:28 p.m.: Deputies were able to locate a subject with a confirmed warrant out of Alpena County. The female was placed in custody and transported to ACJ.


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