
Alpena boys basketball falls to Cadillac 50-28

News Photo by Cassandra VanHorn Oliver Duthler shoots a basket in Friday night’s game in Alpena. The Wildcats fell short, losing 50-28 against Cadillac.

On Friday, Alpena’s boys basketball team went up against Cadillac where they gave up their beginning lead and lost 50-28.

The jump ball, done by Eddie Prue, resulted in Cadillac starting with possession. Cadillac scored first with a three-pointer.

Connor Cameron tied the score with a three-pointer for Alpena.

Cadillac then scored a two-pointer, with Carson Narmowicz following suit, putting them at a tie again.

Prue scored a three-pointer for the team, putting Alpena in the lead for the first time. Prue also was sent to the line, where he scored two points from a free throw.

Cameron scored another three-pointer followed by Oliver Duthler who was sent to the free-throw line where he scored two points.

The first quarter ended with Alpena in the lead, 15-9.

Cadillac, early in the second quarter, had multiple baskets, resulting in a tie between Cadillac and Alpena 15-15.

Cameron sprinted ahead and scored a two-pointer for Alpena, with this being the only points they scored in the second quarter.

The score at halftime was 19-17 Cadillac.

After halftime, Cameron was sent to the line where he scored a free throw.

Prue racked up two baskets for Alpena, resulting in them gaining four points. Prue then followed up with a three-pointer.

The third quarter, with most points going to Cadillac, resulted in a score of 30-25 Cadillac.

A foul was called on Cadillac in the fourth quarter, sending Prue to the line, adding more points to the board.

Duthler scored two points, the last bit of points Alpena had for the game. With Cadillac calling a timeout with 50 seconds left, they ended the game with another basket and walked away with the win.

The next home game for the Alpena is 7 p.m. Thursday.


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