
Alpena DDA ready to take next steps for pop-up market

Courtesy Photo Shoppers enjoy a day at the Western Market in Muskegon in this photo from the market’s Facebook page. There are plans to construct a similar market in downtown Alpena on the Thunder Bay River.

ALPENA — The Alpena Downtown Development Authority is prepared to take the next step in developing a pop-up business location in downtown Alpena.

The proposed project would have up to 16 small structures constructed on the vacant riverside property on Water Street at the foot of the 2nd Avenue bridge, and the DDA would lease them to businesses to sell their products.

The DDA authority board is expected to discuss the project and its budget, and potentially cast their votes, at its meeting next month.

The property has been for sale for years and a hotel, housing, and several other mixed-use projects have been proposed but have not seen the light of day.

The land will remain for sale and the goal is to still have a large project with a blend of housing and commercial businesses become a reality.

Anne Gentry, executive director of the DDA, said the hope is that five or six pop-up businesses would be in place before Memorial Day weekend, along with a larger structure that will sell a variety of cocktails. A food truck area and a public outdoor dining area are also included in the plan.

The balance of the structures would be added down the road.

The market would also be part of the downtown social district, so people can roam around with their alcoholic beverages.

Gentry said the DDA has already received bids for the small, cabin-like structures and has had more than 15 businesses express interest in renting a location.

She said renters can choose to lease a shed for the summer, fall, and holiday season and there will be mandated hours established to make sure all of the businesses are open at the same time when customers arrive.

Each structure will be 10 feet by 12 feet in size, but Gentry said as the market grows, some larger ones could be created for businesses that need more room.

Gentry said the DDA’s goal is to have items that aren’t currently available downtown be showcased at the market. She said having a variety of vendors helps create a business climate where there is something for everyone.

“We would like to see a blend of retailers, food, and other items,” she said. “Part of the plan is also to have a small pavilion, so we could put performers down there or host events. I think it could really incorporate really well with all of our downtown events, like the Flower Festival and New Year’s Eve.”

Gentry said the property’s owner, Target Alpena, still intends to sell the property to a developer, and when that happens, she said all of the structures are mobile and can be moved to another location.

“I think it will be successful, so we have looked at other sites, in case the land was to sell so we can just relocate it,” Gentry said.

Gentry said pop-up markets have become quite popular and she has visited several in Michigan. She said there are large pop-up markets and smaller ones and each is unique.

“We were very inspired by the one in Muskegon and talked to the city clerk who manages it,” she said. “We really liked the style of the holiday market in downtown Detroit, so we have been inspired by several other market projects.”

Gentry said the Muskegon market was built on property that was also for sale, but now, the popularity of the small business area has grown to the point where the city’s plans have changed.

“They have been doing it for seven years and it started the same way we want to with about six small structures,” Gentry said. “Now, there are 17 and it has become so popular that I’m not sure they will ever build on that site or keep it as it is.”

Steve Schulwitz can be reached at 989-358-5689 or sschulwitz@TheAlpenaNews.com. Follow him on X @ss_alpenanews.com.


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