
Alpena varsity girls basketball stumbles against Cadillac

News Photo by Emily VanHorn Alpena’s Claire Jarema looks to pass the ball to a teammate during Thursday’s game at home. The Wildcats fell short to Cadillac, 56-38.

ALPENA — On Thursday night, the Alpena High School girls basketball team faced Cadillac in a heated match, resulting in a loss for the Wildcats.

The final score was 56-38, with Cadillac’s lead starting from the beginning.

From the jump ball done by Kiera Prue, Alpena started with possession. It is quickly taken away from Cadillac, where they get sent to the line for free throws, scoring two points.

Alpena got their first points in with two minutes left of the first quarter from a two-pointer. Natalie Maychen finalized the quarter with a two-pointer that she rebounded from herself.

The score after the first quarter was 7-4, with Cadillac in the lead.

News Photo by Emily VanHorn Faith Dragiewicz attempts to make a shot during Thursday night’s girls basketball game in Alpena. The Wildcats lost to Cadillac 56-38.

Starting the second quarter, Prue scored a two-pointer, followed by another. However, Cadillac kept racking up in points.

Prue was sent to the line for a free throw and scored a point for the team. Maychen followed with a three-pointer, with Cadillac following up with more points last second.

The half-time score was 21-12 Caddilac.

Prue scored a two-pointer at the start of the third quarter, Maychen following suit with two more.

Madalynn Wiedbrauk scored a three-pointer while she was on the court. Reaghan Fitzpatrick also scored a three-pointer.

News Photo by Emily VanHorn Kiera Prue shoots the ball on Thursday night during a girls basketball game against Cadillac. Alpena came out short, losing 56-38.

On a foul called by Cadillac, Prue scored two points from the free throw.

Despite all this scored from Alpena, Cadillac scored even more, resulting in a 37-24 score at the end of the third quarter.

Weidbrauk scored a three-pointer at the start of the fourth quarter.

Prue scored two and was sent to the line to score another free throw.

Shortly after this, Prue fouled out for the game.

Fitzpatrick scored another three for the team, but afterward, Maychen fouled out for the game. Faith Dragiewicz fouled out as well.

Weidbrauk scored the final three-pointer for the game with 40 seconds left.

Cadillac kept collecting points at the end due to fouls being called on Alpena, resulting in a continuation of their lead and taking the win over the Wildcats.

The next home game for the Alpena girls is 7 p.m. Monday at Alpena High School.


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